An award-winning campaign

The SNIPE brand presented nothing less than a global innovation – the first fully biodegradable shoe.

It did not take long to decide that this innovation should be presented to retailers and the media in a very special manner. But instead of doing so through a normal press conference, we decided to bury the shoe in a compost bed.

The next step among several stages was to plant tomatoes in this plot. While the tomatoes were growing, star chef Tim Mälzer started to think of a recipe for a delicious soup. Next, we chose the international footwear tradeshow GDS as the perfect platform for unveiling the product. So this was the place where Mälzer picked the tomatoes, made a tomato soup for the guests and presented the innovative shoe. This lifecycle created an enormous reach – millions, in fact – in the printed media, on TV and online, while we received the PR REPORT AWARD 2013.

Client: Gabor Footwear, SNIPE

Premiere des SNIPE 100 auf der Schuhmesse GDS Click to load the video. Personal data will be shared with the hoster - Privacy Policy